1. I LOVE this! What a great analogy–I work at a boarding school, and my, oh, my, we need to post this verse everywhere on campus! All too often we feed the fuel of indignation with little gossipy comments that fan into full-bodied flames.

  2. Wow! I feel the chisel… Love the imagery of the fire. Thanks for helping me see those ‘little coals’ as having the potential to create something out of control and destructive.

  3. I love the connection between fire and our words. Fire can easily grow out of control and so can our words. I found this analogy to be one that will help me remember to control my words!

  4. Dianne Thornton says:

    I can see how this could be a real issue in that environment! Lead the way, Anita!!

  5. Dianne Thornton says:

    Glad you are encouraged, Tammy!

  6. Dianne Thornton says:

    Me, too, Mary.

  7. I’ve seen and felt the destructive force of gossip against my family, and it’s one of the “acceptable sins” I cannot tolerate. (Lord knows I have enough sins I wrestle with in my own life, but gossip has always been ugly to me.)

    Why glory in someone else’s downfall? Why gloat over another’s pain and indignity? We should be the ones lovingly coming alongside and helping one another up.

    Okay, I’m off my soapbox now. 🙂 Thanks for sharing this much-needed message!

  8. Dianne Thornton says:

    Well said, Asheritah … thank you for sharing your heart. This helps us all see how destructive gossip is. ((hugs))

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