1. Thank you for the reminder! I know the punches to the gut all to well with 5 kids. I need to be more intentional about choosing my words and speaking life into those around me.
    Great post and good luck this weekend cheering your daughters on:)

  2. Dianne, I love this! Thank you for the wonderful, well-written reminder to use our words to bless. I needed to hear that today! Keep writing and getting the message of God’s Word out there…
    Blessings to you,

  3. Dianne Thornton says:

    Thanks, Julie … the girls did well! Always so proud of them … and I DID cheer for them both. So glad I had a do-over.

  4. Dianne Thornton says:

    Thanks for your words of encouragement, Christine!

  5. Thank you for this message, Dianne. For the last few weeks, the Lord has been having me do a study on speaking blessings over his people. This is like a conformation\
    to me.

  6. I’m thankful that God used this for you!! Your encouraging words came at the right time for me, so thank YOU for sharing today.

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